You are responsible for everything you do!īy using FAF services you agree to the rules detailed in this post. Do not friendly fire, reclaim or teamkill allies.Do not spam nor impersonate any other user, or take bots names.Do not discuss drugs, illegal content or pornography.Do not abuse any game bugs and/or exploits.Do not manipulate your account information.Do not abuse by using multiple accounts.Do not harass, defame, or discriminate other players based on their sexual orientation, gender, race, culture, religion, nationality.For any moderating purpose, only the complete rules will be taken into account : this summary is for your information only. Overview:Įverything on FAF is subject to the Terms of Service here: TOS This includes the clients, in-game, the forums and other platforms such as slack and discord. To report infractions of other users, it is recommended to use this form:įAF moderation is active on all platforms and services that Forged Alliance Forever provides. If you have any suggestions or concerns please contact the IRC moderator usergroup. Keep in mind that lobby rules in essence apply not only to #aeolus but also to your in-game behavior. The rule changes below are not retroactive and are for the moment subject to change as we work towards improving and consolidating the rules.